麥客居 Mactivity 成立於 2005 年底,是由蘋果迷自設的蘋果產品軟硬件服務中心,提供各項蘋果產品的培訓、諮詢、支援、買賣、租用、升級、數據復修及各類軟硬件維修服務。麥客見聞(Activity @ Mactivity)主要記錄在 Mactivity 發生的人和事,跟蘋果公司的產品及服務都會扯上一點點關係。如果你喜歡本網誌任何文章,歡迎轉載,但請註明出處,謝謝。
小弟岩岩用parallels desktop裝左個windows,所有野都好正常......只係個display card認唔到.....用左windows 個 vga mode但係我用bootcamp就無事........我想問下點解&如何解決?thanks
因為變數太多,好難o係呢度準確回覆。有需要帶埋部機黎 Mactivity 睇睇。
Parallel 正常情況下係用parallel 個vga driver 係唔係?
Parallels Desktop 自己有 Parallels Tools 作為各種 Drivers。
the reason of NTFS is not writeable by Mac is because keep the logic of NTFS as secret and only announce how to read it but not writing it
the reason of NTFS is not writeable by Mac is because MS keep the logic of NTFS as secret and only announce how to read it but not writing itI mistype "MS" sorry for that
8 則留言:
小弟岩岩用parallels desktop裝左個windows,所有野都好正常......
只係個display card認唔到.....用左windows 個 vga mode
因為變數太多,好難o係呢度準確回覆。有需要帶埋部機黎 Mactivity 睇睇。
Parallel 正常情況下係用parallel 個vga driver
Parallel 正常情況下係用parallel 個vga driver
Parallels Desktop 自己有 Parallels Tools 作為各種 Drivers。
the reason of NTFS is not writeable by Mac is because keep the logic of NTFS as secret and only announce how to read it but not writing it
the reason of NTFS is not writeable by Mac is because MS keep the logic of NTFS as secret and only announce how to read it but not writing it
I mistype "MS" sorry for that