我相信很多 Mac 友都是用 Adium 來接駁 MSN 帳戶。最近公司的 MSN 帳戶 johnny@mactivity.com.hk 經常自動斷線,無法與好友名單上的八佰多位朋友及客人保持良好溝通狀態,試過重新安裝 Adium 也沒有改善。
由於家中的 Adium 也有同一個情況出現,所以我排除了是電腦的問題,相信跟接駁 MSN 伺服器有關。
這問題煩擾了我十多日,終於在今日找到解決方法!只要在 Adium 的「偏好設定」>「帳號」下按編輯,並在「選項」一欄下勾選登入伺服器下面的「透過 HTTP 連線」就解決了。今日登入 MSN 可說是百發百中。
如果你也有 Adium 斷線的情況,不妨試試這個方法。
7 則留言:
Multiple submarine cable faults are affecting the traffic throughout Asia and the U.S. So the direct connection to the MSN server did not work, the fact that you select http protocol bypasses this.
Thanks Johnny.
But i think the problem happens with Netvigator users only because i have no problem connecting msn when using the wifi of my neighbour.
When i login using MSN for Mac, there's no connection problem as well.
Not really, I use Wharf T&T and i-CABLE at office and home respectively, and both can't connect previously.
hi. it's me again.
i am confused.
i don't understand what's the main difference between HK and US store?
i think i can find all those apps i mentioned before in hk store, right?
thanks!!! I have that problem too.
Now I'll see what happen after setting which you showed me.
強尼大, 經過你的教導後,鴨子已經都不會斷線了~
可是我遇到一個新問題耶~ 我的朋友(MSN)要發訊息給我(Adium),最近常常被退訊~ 字發不過來~ 他們都快瘋了~