
在 Mojave 上執行 Snow Leopard

不經不覺 macOS X 已來到了第 14 個版本,名字叫 macOS Mojave,而在 macOS 歷史裡,macOS 10.6 Snow Leopard 可說是一個分水嶺,不少舊的應用軟件如果不作更新,往往未能過渡至 macOS 10.7 Lion 或以後的系統。

我在 Mactivity 日常使用一個叫 Quicken 2007 的軟件做會計記賬,它只可在 Snow Leopard 上執行,而新版的 Quicken 又不太合我心意,於是我仍保留一部很舊的 MacBook Pro 專門用作 Snow Leopard / Quicken 之用,如果這台舊 Mac 壞掉,新機又不能執行 Snow Leopard,那怎算好?如果你手上仍有一些舊軟件只能在 Snow Leopard 上執行,又保留了 Snow Leopard 的光碟,可參考今次介紹的方法,用虛擬方式來解決。

【在虛擬環境下執行 Snow Leopard 軟件,可能涉及軟件授權問題,如對軟件授權有疑問,請參考軟件授權文件。】

先到 VirtualBox 網站下載 OS X hosts
安裝及執行 VirtualBox
指定建立 Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard (32-bit)
建立一個 20GB 的虛擬磁碟
選擇 VDI 格式
按 Start 開始安裝
提供 Snow Leopard 光碟映像檔位置(可用光碟版產生)
安裝到 20GB 的虛擬硬碟
成功安裝 macOS X 10.6 Snow Leopard 了
也成功安裝了舊版的 Quicken 2007

1 則留言:

Blogger 說...

In this manner my acquaintance Wesley Virgin's report launches in this SHOCKING AND CONTROVERSIAL video.

Wesley was in the military-and soon after leaving-he unveiled hidden, "MIND CONTROL" secrets that the government and others used to get everything they want.

THESE are the same secrets many celebrities (especially those who "come out of nothing") and the greatest business people used to become wealthy and famous.

You probably know how you only use 10% of your brain.

Really, that's because the majority of your brainpower is UNCONSCIOUS.

Perhaps this expression has even taken place INSIDE your own brain... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's brain about seven years back, while driving an unlicensed, garbage bucket of a vehicle without a driver's license and $3 on his banking card.

"I'm absolutely fed up with living check to check! When will I get my big break?"

You've taken part in those types of thoughts, ain't it so?

Your success story is waiting to be written. You just have to take a leap of faith in YOURSELF.