
the icon 上了蘋果日報

上星期一篇介紹 the icon 的網誌,當中的圖片及內容最近得到香港蘋果日報的轉載及介紹。而 the icon 推出只有短短一星期,已成為 Mactivity 近日銷量最高的產品,不少朋友更是慕名而來購買。謝謝大家對 essential tpe the icon 及 Mactivity 的支持!

更新:essential tpe 在傳媒的曝光真的越來越多,今天又收到他們上電視的影片了。

4 則留言:

Kevin Christopher Wong 說...

Haha! I am the one who bought the first icon from you. I loved it very much! Sleek . Just one more thing to make it perfect... I hope it Fully charge the iPhone instead of one time and a little more now. hope the next version will be able to do that.

Johnny Chan 說...

Kevin, I can confirm you are the FIRST customer in HK, thank you for your support and I will forward your suggestion to essential tpe.

Kevin Christopher Wong 說...

I think it would be quite hard to increase the battery capacity for it to remain in such form (i.e. Sleek design in such similarity of the form of the icon) the other thing which i think is more important is the security of the battery to the iPhone. it is very loose when I attached it. it fell down to the ground twice when i was using it today! ... ...

they should be making the connection to the the iPhone much more securer to the iPhone!!!

Johnny Chan 說...

Kevin, I don't have that problem on my iPod Touch. I will certainly pass your suggestion to essential tpe for investigation.